If you’re an existing homeowner or looking into purchasing a new home, understanding when the furnace major components will need to be replaced is a necessity. This way you can save up the money you’ll need to handle the costs. Your furnace replacement will be a major expense when it fails. For this reason, it pays to know when the furnace is going to need to be replaced so you can properly prepare
To make things as simple as possible, you can simply contact RS Mechanical. They will come out and assess your existing furnace unit. Based on their NATE certified technicians’ assessment, they can give you an expected lifespan of your existing unit, so you’ll know when it needs to be replaced. This is a surefire way to ensure that you have an appropriate idea of when you’ll need to be able to afford a new furnace. However, understanding what a technician is looking for can help you to determine when your furnace needs replacement.
Figure Out the Age of Your Furnace
One thing you really need to understand is the average lifespan of a typical home furnace. They last between 10 and 20 years. Do your best to look at the records for the home to see when the furnace was last replaced. You can do some research on your own based on the furnace model to see when that model was likely installed if you can get the actual installation date. This way you can plan for when your furnace replacement.
Watch Out for Increasing Energy Bills
You should have a clear idea of what your typical gas and electric bill runs per month if you’ve been living in your home for any amount of time. If you notice that these bills are naturally rising over time, it could be an indication that your furnace is no longer running efficiently. This typically happens because the furnace must run longer to provide the same amount of heat as it did when it was running efficiently.
Have You Been Dealing with Many Furnace Repair Issues?
As your furnace gets older, parts break. Getting furnace repairs is not unusual for a homeowner who has an older furnace. However, if you find yourself constantly putting more and more money into your furnace for repairs, it may be a good idea to investigate a whole new furnace. A skilled HVAC Nate certified expert technician at RS Mechanical should be able to give you some advice about the longevity of your existing furnace.
The Dreaded Yellow Pilot Light
Every furnace has a front panel that you can see into. This panel will display a pilot light that runs your furnace. If this pilot light is blue, you’re in good shape. However, if this light is yellow, you’ve got a big problem. The yellow light is a sign that the flame is leaking carbon monoxide. Therefore, it is important to have carbon monoxide detectors in your home to alert you of this potential hazard. If you have a yellow pilot light, get a heating repair technician there as soon as possible. To check for a cracked heat exchanger A combustion analysis needs to be performed by a qualified technician.
Strange Pops and Squeaks
Your furnace should be running smoothly and silently. If you start to notice any sort of squeaking or strange popping noises, it could be a sign that your furnace is on its last leg. You should contact your RS Mechanical technician to ensure that no parts of the furnace have worked themselves loose and to check out the general issue that your furnace is having. It’s not uncommon for older furnaces to have squeaky belts and pulleys. Like most mechanical equipment it will begin to make noises alerting you it needs servicing. If you ignore the warning signs it will most likely fail when you need it the most.
Cold Spots Throughout Your Home
When your furnace is no longer running at its optimum capacity, it can leave cold spots around your home. This could be the furnace or some parts on the furnace, such as the blower fan. Your furnace is meant to provide heat to all rooms of your home that have available vents. If you notice rooms that should be getting heat not getting enough heat, then you should talk to your technician to determine the reason why.
There are many signs that you need to be aware of when it comes to your home furnace. While the best indication is knowing when the system was installed, there are many other indicators that can help you judge when your furnace is going to need to be replaced. By having a replacement date, you can better prepare financially for buying a new furnace for your home.